Given the fact that the USA voted a businessperson into its highest office, President Taft had some thoughts on the matter that are very appropriate today:
Nothing is more deceitful than the statements that what we need in politics is the business man. Politics are a business – at least they are a field in which experience calls for usefulness and effectiveness – and a man who has devoted his entire life to the successful establishment of a business is generally not that man who will be useful to the pubic in the administration of public business. The considerations that affect public business are not those that should ordinarily control private business. At the same time it is in the interest of the pubic to keep the public out of what should be and usually is private business.
— William Howard Taft
Ref: An Editor’s Treasury: A Continuing Anthology of Prose, Verse, and Literary Curiosa, Part 1, Vol. 1, Edited by Herbert R. Mayes, Atheneum Press, NY, 1968.