The Doctor of Letters (D.Litt.) or Doctor of Science and Religion (D.Sci.R.) in Science and Religion major is an interdisciplinary program that ensures the flexibility needed for life today. This is a dissertation based program requiring original research. This is an in-depth, advanced level of discussion, analysis, and research seeking proof God with an emphasis on identifying absolute truths given all its limitations. If desired, after completing this program you may request to be ordained as a full Dean with the Reconciliation of Science and Religion Organization.
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Student Learning Outcomes
Doctoral graduates will demonstrate the capacities to:
- Formulate viable research questions; manage information, including conventional bibliographic and electronic information retrieval methods; and design, conduct, and report original research, contextualized within an international sphere of professional activity.
- Show a profound respect for truth and intellectual integrity, and for the ethics of research and scholarship
- Explore key disciplinary and multi-disciplinary norms and perspectives relevant to the search for God.
- Apply research to refine the international development efforts of voluntary religious organizations, utilizing alternative approaches while acting as a “change-agent” in seeking to address and solve problems and issues in his or her organization.
- Articulate and communicate effectively with skills in listening, speaking, and writing, in order to disseminate the results of research and scholarship by oral and written communication to a variety of audiences interested in the relationship of God and science.
Achievement of these learning outcomes is measured by means of course assignments, evaluation of field experience, coursework examination, and completing the doctoral dissertation process.
Required Courses
Graduate Level 4
RSRh 401 Advanced Search for Truth in the Humanities (3 Credit Hours) ***
RSRm 401 Advanced Search for Truth in Mathematics (3 Credit Hours) ***
RSRs 401 Advanced Search for Truth in Science (3 Credit Hours) ***
PHIL 401 Advanced Philosophy and the Search for God (3 Credit Hours) ***
THE 401 Advanced Theology (3 Credit Hours) ***
Graduate Level 5
RSRh 502 Clashes of Cultures in Religious Beliefs (3 Credit Hours) ***
RSRh 503 Happiness and Discontent as Truth (3 Credit Hours) ***
RSRh 504 Order and Chaos in Creation Theories (3 Credit Hours) ***
RSRm 506 Statistics: Making Sense of Data in the Search for Truth (3 Credit Hours) Pass/Fail
RSRm 507 Truth and the Use of Statistics (3 Credit Hours) Pass/Fail
Graduate Level 6
RSR 699 Dissertation (30 Credit Hours)
Required to graduate: 60 semester credit hours graduate level
*** Students who meet the necessary years of life and professional experience may substitute essays based on that experience as substitution for these courses. For more information, see the policy regarding life experience limitation and criteria found in this catalog or request it directly from the registrar.