The Board of Trustees of American Trinity University, awards the Doctorem, Honoris Causa (Dr.Hon.), to the distinguished global humanitarian, Dr. Bernd Hoehle-Kleinertz, for continuing efforts in his commitment to the reconciliation of science and religion.

Dr. Hoehle-Kleinertz has a Diploma in Natural Health Sciences from the World Organization of Natural Medicine Practitioners. In addition, Dr. Hoehle-Kleinertz has devoted his life to learning and teaching in the martial arts. He is the Headmaster of the Martial Arts Association International, which is represented in over 120 countries. He is the founder of the Martial Artists with Heart & Martial Artists without Boarders establishing programs in India, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Philippine, Pakistan, Nepal, Ghana, and Nigeria. Dr. Hoehle-Kleinertz has served as a trainer for medics and first aid and disaster management, and rescue swimming, and for the U.S. presidential sports program. He has served as a lecturer teaching at universities in Bangkok, Thailand and Peking, China.
Dr. Hoehle-Kleinertz is Commander of the Sword of Freedom Corps, his humanitarian activities are so many that only a few are mentioned here. He has been on humanitarian missions to India, Nepal, Philippine, Paraguay, Thailand, and West Africa. Dr. Hoehle-Kleinertz was the founding member of the hospital in Kathmandu, Nepal. He supported a school for special needs children in India, helped build a school in the Philippines and Ghana, and donated materials to build new homes for fifty-six families in Manila. In Paraguay, he supported for the purchase of ambulances and dental clinic. In Ghana, Dr. Hoehle-Kleinertz supported the construction of two schools and donated an ambulance. In the Balkans, he raised donations, collected fourteen tons of materials, and provided transportation to a disaster struck area. Dr. Hoehle-Kleinertz has received numerous awards for his efforts.
It is with great pleasure that American Trinity University awards this degree for Dr. Hoehle-Kleinertz’s devotion and support towards the charitable goals of the university and his future support towards the reconciliation of science and religion.