Doctor of Cannon Law

Doctor of Cannon Law (Juris Doctorate Canonici or J.D.C.)


Program Description

The purpose of the Doctor of Cannon Law (Juris Doctorate Canonici 0r J.D.C.) program is to help the student become acquainted with the whole corpus of church law, understand it in terms of its theological, philosophical, and historical background, and learn the method and practice of scientific research. The prior attainment of a bachelor degree is a requirement of admissions.  Although this is an academic degree, upon graduation, a student may obtain a license to practice law as a Canonist within the Reconciliation of Science and Religion Organization.

Student Learning Objectives

By the end of the program, students will be able to achieve a level of that expected of professional canonists, specifically the exacting investigation of canonical questions encountered in curial, tribunal, and similar practice, and the articulation of one’s findings in written opinions and briefs. Original research and possible addition to the body of Church Law for the Reconciliation of Science and Religion Organization is required to graduate.

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Required Courses

Graduate Level 5

PHL 527 Introduction to the Philosophy of Law (4 Credit Hours)

PHL 528 Law of Nature and Nations (6 Credit Hours)

PHL 529 Rights of War and Peace (6 Credit Hours)

CLL 504 Criminal Law for Canonists (6 Credit Hours)

CPL 501 Criminal Procedure for Canonists (6 Credit Hours)

CTL 502 Civil Law for Canonists (6 Credit Hours)

CCL 503 Civil Procedure for Canonists (6 Credit Hours)

CIL 510 Immigration Law (6 Credit Hours)

Graduate Level 6

CCL 601 U. S. Constitutional Law (6 Credit Hours)

CIL 620 India Constitutional Law (6 Credit Hours)

CHL 630 History of Cannon Law (10 Credit Hours)

 CLL 640 Church Constitutional Law (10 Credit Hours)

CVL 650 Vatican II Revised Cannon Law (6 Credit Hours)

CDL 660 Daily Cannon Law (6 Credit Units)

RSR 699 Dissertation (30 Credit Hours)

Required to Graduate: 120 semester credit hours