Honorary Degrees

ATU now offers several paths to the honorary degree for donations of $450 USD and above:

  • Doctor of Letters, Honoris Causa, (D.Litt. Hon.) may be awarded for literary and community achievements, and a commitment to reconciling science and religion.
  • Doctor, Honoris Causa (Dr.Hon.) may be awarded for community achievements and a commitment to reconciling science and religion.
  • Doctor of Divinity (D.D.) may be awarded for achievements in ministry and community service.
  • Legum Doctor in Cannon Law (LL.D.) may be awarded for achievements in policy making favoring religion or legislature, judicial, or government success in advocating religion and community service. (While only an honorary title in the US, its origins started with the University of Cambridge where the double “L” was used to indicate both Civil and Cannon Law.)


  1. Request an application from the Registrar
  2. At this time, the material is presented to the Board of Trustees for review and approval.  (Allow up to one month for a response.)
  3. Upon approval by the board and donation to the Reconciliation of Science and Religion Organization, you will receive the following:
    • A diploma showing your honorary degree
    • An official letter stating your accomplishments that will serve as your transcript
    • Free continuous verification services for official inquiries as to your status
    • The right to use the word doctor in your title

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