
Charitable Status of the Reconciliation Organization

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As everyone knows, we have affiliated with the Reconciliation of Science and Religion Organization. Rel-Sci.org  Here is the latest: As of August 12, 2015 a application was filed with the USA federal government seeking not-for-profit recognition.  This will make all your donations to the Recon Org tax deductible.  It is our intention to make attendance […]


Affiliation Update

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Update: The Recon of Sci and Rel Org is now approved as a not-for-profit corporation in California. Agreements are signed with the Organization.  Now the Org is requesting not-for-profit status from the US government. This could take three months. www.Rel-Sci.org


New Affiliation

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We are in the process of becoming the seminary for the Reconciliation of Science and Religion Organization located in California.  This will help us obtain recognition as a religious exempt university in California.  We will keep you up-dated on our progress. www.Rel-Sci.org